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The legal status of the cosmetologist’s profession as compared to selected health care professions

Sabina Melich, Radoslaw Spiewak

Recommended citation format: Melich S, Spiewak R: The legal status of the cosmetologist’s profession as compared to selected health care professions. Estetol Med Kosmetol 2014; 4: 003.en.


Introduction: The need to adjust Polish law to the rules of the European Union has led to the creation of the legal standards for health professions. The need to define the basic legal rules governing professional cosmetologist was postulated already in the early 1990s. Aim: Inventory of the legal status of the profession of cosmetology compared to selected health professions. Material and methods: The study involved a group of selected health professions, for which on the basis of a list drawn up legislation identified the areas governed by the rules of law. The substantive scope is based on the currently existing laws, draft of bills and regulations. Results: Cosmetologist was placed under legal standards only in terms of standards of education. For other areas of activity such as the right to work as cosmetologist, professional and ethical responsibility and the conditions of restriction and deprivation of the right to practice, the legislature did not specify the regulations. Conclusions: In the absence of regulations for the basic areas of professional cosmetologist it seems necessary to take action to improve it.

Keywords: cosmetology, cosmetologist, beautician, beauty therapist, the law, legal regulations, legal status, health care professions, medical professions, comparative analysis

Full text in Polish: DOI: 10.14320/

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Portal służy udostępnianiu elektronicznej wersji czasopisma Estetologia Medyczna i Kosmetologia
Open Access, online ISSN 2084-2007; print ISSN 2084-199X, DOI:
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Document created: 2 February 2014, last updated: 30 December 2017