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Cosmetology and its areas - a set of definitions

Radoslaw Spiewak

Recommended citation format: Spiewak R: Cosmetology and its areas - a set of definitions. Estetol Med Kosmetol 2013; 3: 006.en.


Surprisingly, there is a lack of a comprehensive definition of cosmetology in Polish dictionaries or even textbooks of cosmetology. In order to fill the gap, the following author's definition is proposed: cosmetology is a field which studies, describes, cares, restores and increases the physical attractiveness of the human body by means of cosmetic (non-medical) interventions. In the cognitive-descriptive aspect, cosmetology is based on the methodology borrowed from various fields of science, i.e. natural sciences (chemistry, biology, biophysics and medicine), anthropology and anthropometry, sociology, psychology, aesthetics and philosophy. In terms of intervention field cosmetology aim is to improve the physical attractiveness of human body, by using non-invasive methods (cosmetics, beauty treatments, dietary interventions and rehabilitation). Furthermore, definitions of areas (fields) of cosmetology are presented in the article: caring (nursing) cosmetology, therapeutic cosmetology, beautifying cosmetology, cosmetic trichology, cosmetic chemistry (chemistry of cosmetics), formulation cosmetics, technology cosmetics, toxicology cosmetics, fitocosmetology, dietetics and principles of proper nutrition in cosmetology, health promotion in cosmetology.

Keywords: cosmetology, divisions, fields of cosmetology, areas of cosmetology, definitions, cosmetologic terminology

Full text in Polish: DOI: 10.14320/

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Portal służy udostępnianiu elektronicznej wersji czasopisma Estetologia Medyczna i Kosmetologia
Open Access, online ISSN 2084-2007; print ISSN 2084-199X, DOI:
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Document created: 2 February 2013, last updated: 29 December 2017