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Assessment of home-based face cleansing methods - a questionnaire survey

Milena Wojciechowska, Karolina Wet, Jolanta Bakowska-Janiszewska

Recommended citation format: Wojciechowska M, Wet K, Bakowska-Janiszewska J: Assessment of home-based face cleansing methods - a questionnaire survey. Estetol Med Kosmetol 2013; 3 (1): online first.

Full text (PDF) | Polskie streszczenie


Poor condition and appearance of skin is the result of inadequate choice of cosmetic products which do not accommodate skin needs. The aim of the study was to assess the cleansing methods applied in skin care routines at home and the frequency of adverse effects related to the cleansing methods. Material and methods: 500 consecutive persons took part in the survey. The group consisted of 325 women (65%) aged 18-56 and 175 (35%) men aged 18-52 (mean age 34.2 years). Participants were asked to give answers to a set of questions/to fill in a questionnaire. Results: The most frequent skin type was dry (26%), normal (24%), 21% - combination skin type, 13% - sensitive, 8% - atrophic and 8% - vascular skin type. The main source of information about cosmetics for participants were: leaflets (71%), magazines (67%), Internet (41%), TV programs and commercials (24%), and radio broadcast (13%). The most common cleansing product applied in skin care routines at home was cleansing gel (35%). 32% of participants used soaps, 25% cleansing milks and 6% cleansing creams. 27% of participants stated that during cleaning process of the skin they also use cosmetic toners. 38% of the participants were convinced that the type of water used for skin care routine had influence on the condition of their skin, the majority (87%) stated that they used tap water. 68% of the participants experienced skin problems such as dryness, irritation or itch after cleansing their face. Conclusions: Majority of the participants experienced adverse effects as a result of their daily skin care routine. The possible reason of such a situation might be insufficient knowledge of their skin and its care. It is recommended to expand the society's knowledge in the subject of skin care.

Keywords: cosmetics, skin cleansing, skin care, health awareness, adverse effects

| Reprint (PDF) | Streszczenie | DOI: 10.14320/EMK.2013.001

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Document created: 2 February 2013, last updated: 15 March 2014