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The analysis of the composition of body balms, milks and oils for skin care with the focus on known sensitizers and irritants

Justyna Gorecka, Radoslaw Spiewak

Recommended citation format: Gorecka J, Spiewak R: The analysis of the composition of body balms, milks and oils for skin care with the focus on known sensitizers and irritants. Estetol Med Kosmetol 2015; 5: 001.en.


Background: Balms, milks and oils for body care are a group of cosmetics, commonly used by adults and children. They are designed for external use and when applied directly the skin they work to moisturize, firm, lubricate and nourish. The analysis, that the claimed composition of balms, milks and oils for body care with the focus of identifying known potential allergens and irritants, may prove useful for people who observe adverse reactions after the use of these preparations. Therefore, this allows those who have observed reverse reactions or experienced irritation, to identify the possible causes of such observations, thus allowing them to, in the future, ovoid these possible side effects. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the declared composition of balms, milks and oils for body care, with the focus of identifying known potential sensitizers and irritants. Material and Methods: 124 cosmetic products, available in many cosmetic stores, were analyzed. The declared composition of balms, milks and oils were checked for the presence of substances with known potential allergens and irritants. Compared the differences in the average amount of the analyzed components of preparations in each group using analysis of variance (ANOVA). In order to check the possible relationships between the analyzed variables, the correlation analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The highest average number of preservatives known to sensitization or irritation was observed in the category of balms and the lowest in category of oils (p<0.001). There was no difference in mean values fragrance ingredients known to sensitization or irritation in the analyzed categories. Developed a list of those of the analyzed cosmetic products which contain many ingredients known to allergenic or irritant, and cosmetics, which does not contain such ingredients or include them relatively little. Conclusions: In the analyzed cosmetic products, the most common ingredient is a fragrance composition of undisclosed components, hidden under the codename "parfum" or "fragrance", causing allergic reactions or irritations. This is a serious problem for people sensitive to these ingredients, significantly hindering the selection of the appropriate cosmetic. Available on the Polish market, balms, milks and oils are different in the number of components in general. Contain a similar number of fragrances and preservatives with known potential allergens and irritants. Most components in general include balms, while the least oils. Each balm, milk and oil contains at least one problematic component, which causes the risk of sensitization or irritation to the consumer. There is no 100% safe balm, milk or oils available for sale. Although the description method of the cosmetic composition is strictly defined and should be consistent with the nomenclature of the INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients); manufacturers do not always accurately describe the ingredients in balms, milks or oils, making them difficult to identify and further exposes the consumer to the occurrence of allergy or irritation.

Keywords: balms, milks, oils, preservatives, fragrances, parfum, fragrance, allergy to cosmetics, ingredients

Full text in Polish: DOI: 10.14320/

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Portal służy udostępnianiu elektronicznej wersji czasopisma Estetologia Medyczna i Kosmetologia
Open Access, online ISSN 2084-2007; print ISSN 2084-199X, DOI:
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Document created: 22 April 2015, last updated: 30 December 2017