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A survey into the frequency of intolerance to sun light and the knowledge and educational needs with this regard among Poles
Karolina Pedrys, Radoslaw Spiewak
Recommended citation format: Pedrys K, Spiewak R: A survey into the frequency of intolerance to sun light and the knowledge and educational needs with this regard among Poles. Estetol Med Kosmetol 2014; 4: 001.en.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14320/EMK.2014.001.en
"Sun allergy" stands for the colloquial expression of photodermatoses - a group of diseases emerging after exposure of susceptible individuals to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, typically from the sun. The skin lesions occur mostly in sun-exposed areas. Typical symptoms are sunlight-induced rash and itch. Photodermatoses can occur at any age, in people of either sex. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the frequency of photodermatoses among Poles, and their level of knowledge concerning the diseases caused by hypersensitivity to sun, as well as their sources of information. 205 persons participated in the questionnaire survey. The results demonstrate that the problem of photosensitivity is relatively frequent among Poles, similarly to the figures known from other European countries. Although the symptoms were perceived as not too bothersome by most respondent, the issue of photodermatoses is perceived as important and deserving due attention. People in Poland have only basic knowledge about the effects of the UV on the skin. Taking this into consideration it is necessary to perform actions aimed at increasing the knowledge of photodermatoses, and especially the ways of its prevention.
Keywords: photodermatoses, "sun allergy", sun intolerance, ultraviolet radiation, epidemiology, knowledge, educational needs
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